• Course description

    Develop useful strategies to support people to get active and innovative nudge techniques to empower them to stay active. Behaviour change happens when a series of small steps is taken over time. It's a journey, and the goal of that journey may be to replace unhealthy patterns of behaviour with healthier habits that will support your participants' needs and aspirations.

  • Who is the course for?

    You'll learn about practical strategies that can help encourage people to develop healthier habits, and consider how this can be applied in your environment, with your participants. This will ensure that you have the knowledge and skills to positively influence your participants. It will also give you the confidence to support and empower them to make changes that, for a range of reasons, they haven't previously been able to implement.

  • What's the value of this course?

    With you on their side and equipped to help, they will be much more likely to be able to make positive, tangible changes to their lives and build sustainable active habits.

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Delivered by UK Coaching, this online classroom will help you to develop useful strategies to support people to get active and look into innovative nudge techniques to empower them to stay active.